Adventurers Kids Club

Adventurers is back!

Adventurers will be taking place every term time Monday  for years 1, 2 & 3, between 6pm and 7:15pm. A mixture of games, activities, bible stories, songs, crafts, food and more, Adventurers has been enjoyed by children for almost 50 years and we look forward to getting going again.

Adventurers initially started in 1973 in order to provide a midweek activity for children aged 7 to 10, when older children were able to join various Covenanter groups. In the years that followed the Covenanter groups disbanded, and Adventurers expanded to three groups catering for children in School years 1 – 10. In 2013 there were 135 children on the books, with an average weekly attendance of 90. Many people have volunteered in this time, but John & Betty Harris deserve an honourable mention as they have faithfully volunteered the entire time.

We hope to be able to open more frequently and for older age groups in the future, as our capacity and volunteer availability increases.

When you bring your child for the first time we will ask you to register them, as well as filling in some health and consent forms. Subsequent weeks will be quicker, but we do ask you to let us know if anything changes, particularly food allergies.

The first week is free, but after that we ask for £1 per child to help cover the cost of snacks, drinks and craft materials. If money is going to be a problem please get in touch, we don’t want anyone to miss out because of funds.

For more information get in touch via our contact page.

The event is finished.


Mon, 27th Jan


18:00 - 19:15




Fleckney Baptist Church
High Street, Fleckney, LE8 8AJ
QR Code